Dental implant restorations, particularly the crown, represent a state-of-the-art solution for replacing missing teeth. Dr. Anne Casson crafts personalized implant crowns that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality, offering patients a durable and natural-looking smile.

The Foundation: Dental Implants

Dental implant restorations begin with the placement of a dental implant — a titanium post surgically positioned in the jawbone. This implant serves as a sturdy foundation for the subsequent attachment of the crown, mimicking the structure and strength of a natural tooth root.

Customized Crown Design

Crafting the implant crown is a meticulous process. Our dentist and team ensure that each crown is custom-designed to match the color, shape and size of the patient’s existing teeth. The goal is to create a restoration that seamlessly integrates into the smile, providing both aesthetic appeal and functional support.

Natural-Looking and Functional Results

The final implant crown is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functions like a natural tooth. Patients can enjoy improved chewing capabilities and speech, along with the confidence that comes with a complete and attractive smile.

Schedule With Us

Discover the transformative benefits of dental implant restorations in Littleton, Colorado, at Littleton Family Dental. To schedule a consultation and explore the possibilities of restoring your smile, contact 303-797-3867. Take the first step towards a lasting solution for missing teeth and regain the confidence to share your smile with the world.