Intravenous (IV) sedation is a powerful method used by our practice to provide profound relaxation for patients during dental procedures. This form of sedation involves administering medications directly into the bloodstream to induce a deep state of relaxation while ensuring patient safety.

The Administration Process

Administered through a vein, IV sedation allows Dr. Anne Casson to precisely control the level of sedation. This method is particularly beneficial for patients with severe anxiety, extensive dental work or those who prefer a more profound sedation experience.

Suitability for Various Procedures

IV sedation is commonly used for complex dental treatments, oral surgeries or for patients undergoing multiple procedures in one visit. Our dentist and team will carefully assess your medical history and discuss the nature of the dental work to determine if IV sedation is a suitable option for you.

Monitoring and Safety Measures

During IV sedation, patients are continuously monitored to ensure their safety. Vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels are closely observed to maintain a controlled and secure sedation experience.

Post-Sedation Recovery

After the procedure, patients may feel drowsy, so arranging for someone to drive them home is advised. We provide post-sedation care instructions to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Schedule With Us

Experience the utmost comfort during your dental procedures with IV sedation in Littleton, Colorado, at Littleton Family Dental. Schedule a consultation with us by calling 303-797-3867. Discover the deep relaxation and anxiety relief that IV sedation can bring to your dental care.