General anesthesia is a form of sedation used by Dr. Anne Casson to induce a deep sleep-like state during dental procedures. This method ensures that patients remain unconscious and pain-free throughout the entirety of the treatment.

Applicability for Complex Cases

General anesthesia is typically reserved for extensive dental procedures, oral surgeries or for patients with severe dental anxiety who prefer to be completely unaware during the treatment. Dr. Casson carefully assesses the patient’s medical history to determine the suitability of general anesthesia for each case.

Administration and Monitoring

Administered through intravenous (IV) injections or inhalation, general anesthesia requires precise monitoring throughout the procedure. Vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels are closely observed to ensure patient safety.

Ensuring Patient Comfort and Safety

General anesthesia allows for a pain-free and stress-free dental experience. Patients can rest assured that they will be completely unaware of the procedure, ensuring a comfortable and anxiety-free environment.

Post-Anesthesia Recovery

Following the procedure, patients will need time to recover from the effects of general anesthesia. Our dentist and team provides post-anesthesia care instructions to guide patients through a smooth and safe recovery process.

Schedule With Us

For those seeking a completely unconscious and pain-free dental experience, consult with us at Littleton Family Dental in Littleton, Colorado. Schedule a comprehensive consultation by calling 303-797-3867. Discover the comfort and assurance that general anesthesia can bring to your dental care.