Oral cancer screening involves routine examinations to detect signs of oral cancer in its early stages. Early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes and overall prognosis.

Risk Factors and Signs of Oral Cancer

Factors such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection contribute to the risk of developing oral cancer. Signs may include persistent sores, lumps or changes in the color or texture of the oral tissues.

Importance of Regular Screening

Regular oral cancer screenings are crucial, especially for individuals with risk factors or a family history of cancer. Dr. Anne Casson incorporates screenings into routine dental checkups, allowing for the prompt identification of any abnormalities.

Screening Techniques

Oral cancer screenings involve a visual examination of the oral cavity, including the lips, tongue, cheeks and throat. Additionally, our dentist may use advanced technologies or palpation techniques to detect subtle changes in the oral tissues.

Early Intervention and Treatment

If abnormalities are detected during an oral cancer screening, early intervention and treatment can commence promptly. This proactive approach significantly enhances the chances of successful outcomes and improves quality of life for patients.

Schedule With Us

Prioritize your oral health with regular oral cancer screenings in Littleton, Colorado. Schedule an appointment at Littleton Family Dental by calling 303-797-3867. Invest in preventive care for a healthier future and increased chances of detecting oral cancer in its early, more treatable stages.